Alternative Energy Resources (5.7C)

The student is expected to identify alternative energy resources such as wind, solar, hydroelectric, geothermal, and biofuels.

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Renewable: Means it can be replaced in a short period of time.
Nonrenewable: Means it cannot be replaced in a reasonable amount of time. Once we use it up, it's gone.
Inexhaustible: Means it will NEVER run out!  


Alternative Energy Resource: Energy generated by natural processes that is renewable

Wind Energy: Energy that comes from changing the power of moving air into a useful form

Solar Energy: Energy that comes from the Sun

Bio Fuel: Fuel made from plants and plant or animal waste

Fossil Fuel: Non-renewable flammable material (coal, oil, natural gas) made from the remains of plants and animals buried in the Earth’s crust for millions of years, that is used to produce heat and power

Pollution: Materials introduced into an environment that cause damage, discomfort or instability

Renewable Resource: Materials from the Earth that can be replaced by nature in a short period of time; for example, trees

Nonrenewable Resource: Materials from the Earth that cannot be replaced within a reasonable amount of time; for example, coal, oil, and natural gas

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