Classifying Matter (5.5A)

The student is expected to classify matter based on physical properties, including mass, magnetism, physical state (solid, liquid, and gas), relative density (sinking and floating), solubility in water, and the ability to conduct or insulate thermal energy or electric energy.

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Matter: Anything that has mass and takes up space

Mass: The amount of matter in an object

Properties: Appearances of an object including: mass, magnetism, physical state, relative density, solubility, and the ability to insulate or conduct heat or electricity

Magnetism: The property of attraction to a magnet

Physical State: The classification of matter as a solid, a liquid or a gas

Relative Density: Objects that are more dense sink in water; less dense objects float in water

Solubility: Measurement of the ability of a solid to dissolve in a liquid

Thermal Energy: Energy that causes a change in temperature between materials

Electrical Energy: Energy produced by the movement of electrons

Conductor: Material that allows electric current or heat energy to flow through easily

Insulator: Material that slows down or stops electric current or heat from flowing

Classify: Group together based on similar traits

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